Title:[0352] Artist's impression of Pluto and Charon
Caption:An artist's concept of the Pluto/Charon system, with the Sun as it would appear from their remote position in the solar system.
Title:[0431] Pluto and Charon
Caption:One of the best ground-based images of Pluto and Charon compared with an image from the Hubble Space Telescope prior to the correction of its optics.
Credit:NASA and ESA
Title:[4040] Pluto and Charon in February 1994 (HST)
Caption:Pluto and its moon Charon are clearly resolved in this Hubble Space Telescope image taken on 21 February 1994. They are 4.4 billion km (2.6 billion miles) away.
Credit:R. Albrecht and NASA
Title:[4041] The Surface of Pluto
Caption:Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaged nearly the entire surface of Pluto, as it rotated through its 6.4-day period. The two smaller inset pictures at the top are actual images from HST. Each square pixel is more than 100 miles across. The larger images are from a global map constructed through computer image processing performed on the Hubble data.
Credit:A. Stern, M. Buie, NASA, ESA
Title:[4042] Map of Pluto's Surface
Caption:This is the first image-based surface map of the Solar System's most remote planet. It was assembled by computer image processing four separate images. The map, which covers 85% of the planet's surface, confirms that Pluto has a dark equatorial belt and bright polar caps.
Credit:A. Stern, M. Buie, NASA, ESA